Nitrous Oxide
We completely understand the feeling of anxiety before a dental treatment and the stress you might experience while you’re in the chair. Whether it be due to a horrible past experience or it’s simply the way you’ve always felt, sedation dentistry at Brilliant Dental Care can help you feel completely relaxed throughout your visit.
What is Nitrous Oxide?
Our office provides nitrous oxide to help you feel at ease while still be conscious. You may know it by its more informal name – laughing gas. Before your treatment begins, we will gently place a small mask over your nose. You will then slowly breathe in a mixture of a sedative and oxygen until you are completely relaxed.
Is Nitrous Oxide Safe?
Nitrous oxide is very safe, and Dr. Freeman has been well-trained to administer it. Our team will also be monitoring your vitals during your appointment as a precaution.
If you are someone who has a fear of the dentist or sensitive gag reflex, nitrous oxide is a great option for you. If this is something you’d like to have when you see us, please let us know.
What Are the Benefits of Nitrous Oxide?
- Keeps you relaxed and comfortable
- Safe to administer
- Effects are felt quickly
- A warm and cozy feeling
Looking for a Dentist Who Uses Nitrous Oxide in Houston?
There’s no reason you have to deal with a fear of the dentist. At Brilliant Dental Care, we strive to provide a friendly and pleasant environment. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.